Tuesday, May 26

Happy to lose to _my_ CBSE topper!

For once in my life, I am conceding defeat with a grin from ear-to-ear.

Beginning today, I handover the tag of the 'smartest kid in the family' to my worthy opponent and fierce competitor, my sister for her amazing feat in CBSE class X. She has gone miles ahead of me by scoring a mammoth 94.2 % in her tenth.

My (paltry) 86 % is now put to shame - my days of glory are over :P

(And she seems to have better friends than I do. Most of her friends seem to be 90+, with one particular girl scoring a holy-cow 98.8 % aggregate.)

So, all my efforts (let me take some credit!) are worth it.

Here's to my sis: Take a bow honey! I am so so proud of you.

PS: Her Social studies score at 96 brings me to tears. How on this earth can someone get 96 in SSt!!


Mindbloggler said...
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Anonymous said...

I had 88% in 10th with 67 in SSt...but then that was expected...but 96 or 100 in SSt....was sth that I thought could never be done. But kudos to these kids who have actually made impossible(..for me)possible.
Take a bow.

Anonymous said...

Aksh, you just made us proud, honey :-) Kudos!!!

Mindbloggler said...

Thank You Thank You!! If 96 is something unbelievable for you what about my friends who got 100 in SSt???

Jhopad said...

wow! and to think that we were good!
takes a bow!

Gaurav Sapra said...

Great work Akshata...Keep it up!!

Mad Blogger said...

SOCIAL - 96???????????

A bow from me too. But take it from me. There is no better sedative than a long history class. Heaven!!! The pleasure of a 96 is nothing in front of the beautiful siesta in an SSt class.

Still - 96??? :( :( :(

Vandana Shenoy said...

Why don't you give some credit to me also??!

Vikas Shenoy said...

Thanks everyone. Your wishes have been conveyed to my sister.

@ Mom, You are the Sonia Gandhi of our home. Anything that we do has obviously been successful because of your blessings. You rock! :-)

Anonymous said...

aint u the same guy who made fun of this CBSE topper and went on to say that he is almost certainly a geek? now u celebrate geekiness in your family n call her friends 'better' becaus they score 90+???
I dont want to be aggressive, but what the hell.. u seem to be the manifestation of the expression double standards

Vikas Shenoy said...

Dear anonymous,

I am indeed the same guy. But you seem to be sorrily mistaken. I did not 'make fun' of that ISC topper. I was more appalled by the TOI article and the comments of the topper, which I still hold, are very funny.

To quote from my own post 'Notwithstanding that fact, 97.14 (or 99.25 as the case may be) is an amazing feat.' That should rest your apprehensions.

Apart, you are corelating two independent unconnected events. Thanks for your comments anyway.


Czar said...

SST: 96.
I am in that club. :D

Brilliant performance by your sis machi. My congratulations to her.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Czar, thanks guru. And yeah, cherish your club. I was about 17 marks short, thats all.

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