Wednesday, January 14

Specialization is for insects

Here's a quote forwarded to me by Uss:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein

Specialization is for insects - Indeed! Indeed it is!

Let me see how I fare on the checklist:

Change a diaper - Yet to try, shouldn't be too difficult I reckon. Should try out on my 1-year old cousin soon.

Plan an invasion - Ummm.. I think I should draft a proposal to Mr. Singh.

Butcher a hog - Well, lets skip that one for now - I am a peace-loving human being.

Conn a ship - It will be amazing; but it'll take time before I get to lay my hands on one.

Design a building - This one I have done!

Write a sonnet - This one's difficult; I don't like poetry!

Balance accounts - Aye aye, S grade in the course on accounting. \m/

Build a wall - Sometime soon

Set a bone - I don't know what it means :-|

Comfort the dying - Yes, I have been there

Take orders - Loads of times

Give orders - (Loads of times) X 100

Cooperate - Yes, been there. done that

Act alone - Done

Solve equations - Did that till first year of college

Analyze a new problem - same as above

Pitch manure - Good old childhood days

Program a computer - "Hello World"

Cook a tasty meal - 'Taste' is subjective

Fight efficiently - In my schooldays, Yes. After that, it was mostly on the joystick and subsequently on the comp. Lately, the fight is with my self.

Die gallantly - I am sure I will!


Elithraniel Arawion said...

thou hath not completedest the last one.. so thou failest :P and yes, specialization is for insects

Abhishek Kannur said...

You can conn my ship you know, when i get it.. which would be sometime soon.. :D

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ Anusha,

We are all buying time - for one day, we'll all be gone :-P

@ Ugri,

As I told you the other day, Linkin Park will be proud of you my boy!

themiddler said...

Haha... something that I have always believed. Nice phrase "Specialization is for insects".

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