Monday, June 22

Getting the professors to meet

It's 5:55 AM on my watch. And I am thinking about the following:

If two professors (generic term) A and B, and a student have to meet, how do they decide on a venue?

In my specific case, the details are as follows:

  • A and B are not from the same department
  • A is a senior-ish Prof., B is an Asst. Prof.
  • A and B do not know each other
  • The student (me!) has to set-up the meeting
I am dumbfounded on how to decide the venue. I wonder how these things work.

By the way, it's 6:01 now.

PS: If it sounds trivial, I'd suggest wearing my shoes for a while and walking a few hundred meters.


Anonymous said...

CCD? Buy them a coffee and make it informal.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Ummm.. I don't think they are CCD-ish profs - never ever seen them there, not even Tifs for that matter.

Perhaps, even if we do meet up at CCD - who will pay? I don't think reflects well if I insist on paying!

Anonymous said...

Ask the senior prof if it would be possible to meet in the seminar hall (or any other common hall). It could be in either of the departments. Convey the same to the asst prof.

Abhishek Kannur said...

Mail them both and ask if a time is right for them. So, you have them on a common thread now. If one of the proff has a problem, he will reply on the thread. A communication will be establised between A and B.

Abhishek Kannur said...

*profs has a problem

Amrit said...

I suggest, sending some random mail, in which you sign out with a link to your blog. Either problem solved or problem escalated, but in either case it's no longer your problem!

Archana said...

I suppose u have the right suggestion yourself :) Wear your shoes n go for a stroll...That'll probably help u decide better :)

Kaushik said...

Hah, I'm able to relate to this very well as I've faced the same problem here in Vancouver for the last one month. Our meetings generally need a senior prof from the biotech dept, my guide from the chem engg dept and a PhD girl who works from outside campus. Any time/place I suggested seemed inconvenient for them. Nowadays, I send a mail to all three of them asking them to suggest a time and a place. They seem to be conjure up a time and a place after mailing each other. Since my being jobless is more of a norm rather than an exception, I accept the the time and place given to me.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Thanks folks. Let me see how best I can solve the problem. I guess mailing the two of them and letting them decide is the best solution.

Apart, Vatsa: hats off! amazing suggestion. :-)

Archana, LOL!

Kaushik, Hope Canadian profs are easier to handle than Indians!

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