Wednesday, June 24

Quotable Quotes from my Viva

Prof. A: "You know what? Vikas was supposed to get a Nobel prize for his ppt, but last minute he got pipped." (Prof. A to Prof. B, with all his sarcasm in the world, when I just entered the Viva room.)
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Prof A: "Ya ya, Vikas will make a good ppt. So be very careful!", throwing caution to everyone in the room, for no real reason.
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

"Vikas, I don't want a sales pitch. Better show me some meat." Prof. C after looking at my first slide.
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

"So, you are basically saying that if we decrease usage of vehicles, we can save energy. Thats all?" Prof. A after I had explained for over half-an-hour on how we can save energy in the transportation sector.
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. No.... Sir

Me: "Sir, there are two sides to the climate debate...."
Prof. A : "That everybody knows. Tell me what you have done." (It's unfair! It's not common sense!)
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Prof. A."You went and worked with economists and became one yourself. I wanted you to convert them to technologists!"
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Prof. C. : "What you said over the last 20 minutes is just common sense. Show me some mathematical models"
Firstly, it was NOT common sense. I swear by god. Secondly, and I quote myself "But Sir, my company did not want me to develop mathematical models, they just wanted a framework."
Prof A. : "But that is what I want you to do: change the way they work!"
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Prof. A.: "Just because you are thanking me, don't think that I will give you extra marks", when I was at the Acknowledgements slide.
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Prof. B : "You should put the source of data in every slide, unless ofcourse you deliberately want to confuse us.."
Prof. A : ".. which he is very capable of."
Me: Sir... Err.. Umm.. Err.. Okk.. Sir

Well.. you win some, you lose some.

It won't be a herculean task to figure out who was the BOSS today in the viva committee. And who was looking like a big big loser.

Well.. you win some, you lose some.

PS: Fellow mates can add their quotes in the comment section, or let me know so that I can add an _update here. :-)

PS2: An old post on quotable quotes from Inter-IIT Sports Meet 2007 can be accessed here


Normal said...

Well..we still have the sunset.

Abhishek Kannur said...

In out in out in out...

Every dog has his day dude, you will too someday.

Cheers to the constituents of life! :P

Anonymous said...

Can't we have 'little' change in the institute constitution that may allow students to swear at the profs without having to worry about the aftereffects?

tarun mehta said...

was it sandy and vasa?

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ Normal, "We steel have the sonsae"

@ Ugri - I am waiting for my day - with these guys. And it has been a long wait.

@ aniketanand, I spoke to Normal about it. Doesn't seem possible man. Sorry. :P

@ Tarun, You got one correct.

Priti R said...

You are obviously following the COP and the general discussion on CC.
Just an idea,Would the kaya identity have helped in forming a probable mathematical model?

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ Priti,

Indeed, I am closely following the discussion on CC.

Yes, I did use a modified Kaya model for estimating the energy needed.

My formula was: Energy = Energy per GDP * GDP per capita * Population.

What's your interest in CC?

Vikas Shenoy said...

But, for some reason beyond my understanding, I did not mention that in the ppt :P

Abhishek Behera said...

what was the viva for? btp/dtp? for the project you did in IIM-A?

jimmy said...

1. I warned you about references, the day before. Take wise counsels seriously :P

2. "Sir, there are two sides to the climate debate...."

I am afraid I need to take your profs side on this. Infact, there are two sides in any debate.

3. You seem to have built up a great reputation with your profs over years! I couldn't stop laughing, imagining the situation described. Especially, the way they greeted you into the hall. Sorry for that, if you feel I need to apologize, for making fun of your bad times:P.

Now consoling time (if you need it, else ignore): Getting raped is a norm in IIT. Down the line they give great memories and ofcourse blogs (Do I need to mention this was one of the bestest blogs I have read for everest?)

And ya, lot of common sense is uncommon. So even if somebody felt your work was common sense, nothing has been proved about its existence in them! So may be, you made them realize the harsh truth.
Don't worry, your grades will not be screwed up. The least you can end up with is B. Put fight with your mentor and ask him to send good comments abt you!

Vikas Shenoy said...

Dearest Jimmy,

1. Mea culpa
2. Your objection is about the "two sides".. their objection was about the "climate change" and that they know it all!
3. Thanks, my wound is now burning again. :-P

I hope you are not lying about the _everest and the bestest_ part of your comment.

I am putting fight otherwise - not too concerned about my grades though, I don't care what they give me (I am lying!). I am just satisfied that I did good work (Lying to an extent).

Nice comment. Thanks!

Jeet said...

Good to have such interactions with Profs da. If I translate into hindi, " tum dhanya ho, apne guru log ke satya vachan paye hain" Cheers dude, nobody wants to be pipped by a student, atleast a Prof!!

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