Saturday, June 20

Father's Day: To the CEO of my life

To my Dad, who has given me much much more than a middle name, here's wishing a Very Happy Father's Day and a lifetime of health and happiness!

To the CEO of my life, here's acknowledging his contribution in making me, me.

PS: I don't think I can ever pen my thoughts about my dad - it is just too pure, and yet too complex a relationship to be expressed through the mere medium of words.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

did you know your labels read "I love myself"

Vikas Shenoy said...

Dad, it was honest effort to thank you! :-)

I think I should improve my writing skills :-P

Anon, Oops - purely unintentional, but I think it conveys the point anyway.. ha ha.

Vikas Shenoy said... was _an_ honest effort...

Unknown said...
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Vandana Shenoy said...

Be a good human being like your father. It will be a best compliment you can give to your PAPA. Wish you every success in your life.

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