Thursday, June 18

Guns N' Cigars at Insti!

Two photographs.

One. I was walking from SAC to ICSR after attending some counselling intro talk for JEE. There was this dude (to be on the safer side, let me call him uncle) who was showing off a *pistol* tucked in his trouser. You don't see such things often in the insti. I don't think you are meant to.
I reckon he was a parent who had come down for counselling of his ward. But, it was evident that he had no intentions of hiding his little equipment. Anyway, after a momentary shock, I thought I should take a pic and upload it here! :-) And so I did.

Two. No prizes for guessing where this second pic is from. Though, you may warrant a guess as to whose hand it is in the picture. And which new brand of cigarette has just entered the market. Looking at the pic, I could have written another article titled 'How cigarette is clogging our system', but I think I am about 40 years away from that. For now, it just amused me!

I think it is an amazing marketing strategy to sell black-coloured cigarettes. It is an instant differentiator. Perhaps, if it was not black - I would not have remembered it and the guy/girl in the pic who bought it would not have bought it in the first place. Will we soon see pink and yellow coloured cigarettes also? Or do we already have them in circulation?

PS: I am also wondering if I will be getting anonymous commenters giving me gyaan on how IITians are addicted to cigarettes and all that. And how we are plundering tax-payers' money. And how we are a burden on the nation. :-P

Ok, anonymous, CHILL. I am just kidding. .And no, ofcourse not, we are not arrogant and pompous. :-)


Pratik Gupta said...

that black cigarette sucks dude...its suck big time [:)]

Aniket said...

Actually, the black one is nice, both in flavour and some kick. :)

jimmy said...

1. I know the answer. I know whose hand it is!
2. That pistol thing is scary man. You should have interviewed him instead of counseling kids.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Pratik and Aniket: Decide and tell me! :-P
I am told it is good though.

@ Jimmy: Ha ha.
1. I know that you know.
2. I wanted to go upto him and ask him, but he felt his gun at that very moment and I got psyched!

Anonymous said...

Nice post Vikas...You have a flair for writing..By the way,I'm Dharik's cousin,Archana.I started reading your blogs of late...

Vikas Shenoy said...

Archana, thanks for your comments!

Hope you continue to enjoy the blog :-)

Ashtung said...

i think the black cigarette is a garams black... isnt much different from any other garams

Shanmukh said...

Th black is clove flavoured dude. You can buy one in tarams and try out for yourself instead of taking Pratik's and Aniket's comments.

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