Wednesday, January 30

On the Super Highway of life!!

It has been on e hell of a time since I have posted. And there could not have been a better time to blog than this.

Life has been really exciting over the past few days. This semester has been impossibly brilliant till now (touch wood!!) The high of working for Saarang initially cracking all the deals and interacting with Marketing heads and 25-year old Directors of companies was something!!

Then came the TIE entrepreneurship conference and boy-o-boy, how much I thank my stars for having gone there. Then came Saarang; this Saarang has been undoubtedly the best Saarang I have lived. There is a special feeling when all your hardwork manifests into something as great as the show we managed to pull off. That we did it against odds makes it all the more special. Saarang for me is more than a cultural fest, it is one opportunity to interact with diverse people, to lead a team, to work for a team, to be a figurehead, to be a coordinator, to be a representative, to prove my worth to myself.

What Shaastra taught me, Saarang has just topped it.

That apart, a few interesting instances have happened, a few interesting people met. Networking has helped big time. And together with a couple friends, I am embarking on an exciting journey, one that resulted due to sheer coincidence and enthusiasm and the desire to achieve, the desire to excel.


amrit said...

One of the best post-Saarang posts I have read! :)

Aniket Pangarkar said...

:) the complete man :D
keep it up!

Shrey said...

Innuendos?? :D

Shrey said...

And i am tired of using the word again and again..

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ amrit

Thanks a lot, that is a comment I would remember for long :-)

@ Aniket

T 4 U, but yeah infinitesimally tending towards completeness :P

@ Shrey,

You have used, abused and misused the word now, time for some other GRE word boy :-)

Anonymous said...

saarang 08 rocked the IIT campus in flamboyant style. karthick’s soothing melodios songs and fire band freaking performance hold the attention of the audience in a splendid manner.
If you missed the event by partying with friends ,another chance for you to watch the event again. catch the videos in

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