Tuesday, May 19

Love Thy Neighbour

Why is India called a peninsula? (2 marks)

Remember that question from your Class VIII Geography textbook?

Ignoring the obvious answer, I was thinking on other lines. India is also unique in its being covered by problems on three sides problems and well.. no-problems* on one side.

Think of it:

Pakistan (By the way, NY Times has called Pakistan "arguably the most dangerous country on earth")

North/North East:
China - Inspite of being a huge huge country, they still want parts of Arunachal Pradesh. Sigh.

Bangladesh, which is making every effort to emulate Pakistan.
Nepal - I mean what's with all the political instability - you have no Mayawati/Devegowda there!

(Sri Lanka is a spoiler though - If it was not for the LTTE , our waters would have atleast been trouble-free!)

And they say, Love thy neighbour.


Hetero sapien said...

Good Point. Hard as the Standard X Economics text tried to convince me, that India has great relations with its neighbors, the fact is - we've really screwed up on foreign policy in our immediate neighborhood. We've been at war with three of our bordering countries, which must be a record of some kind and we've sent in troops to Sri Lanka and Mauritius in perhaps the most ill advised "peacekeeping" missions in history. Maoists are taking over Nepal, Myanmar continues to be a ruthless dictatorship, and the Indian embassy in Afghanistan continues to be accused of covert anti-Pak operations. Whoever's managed our relationship with Bhutan to the effect that we're not at war with them (yet) deserves the Bharat Ratna!

Tharoor for Foreign minister?

Vikas Shenoy said...

Yes, our foreign policy has been dismal. We have not been hard enough on makign our neighbours obey us. Barring China, we are the the most powerful country in Asia and inspite of that, we have no tooth.

We could exploit our good realtions with the Arab nations and enforce oil sanctions on SL/Nepal/Bangladesh. But we seldom do it. China has more say in Nepal's and SL's affairs than does India.

Tharoor yes, I was hoping. But they are dashed - your Pranab dada might retain it (though he is reportedly eyeing Finance portfolio). There is a sliver lining - Tharoor might still get some ministry.

Hetero sapien said...

I was close. Tharoor is MoS for External Affairs. Did you know he obtained a PhD at 22?

Vikas Shenoy said...

Yeah. Fletcher record it seems.

Check out his 'vision' on his website www.shashitharoor.in. Very sood bugger.

I think he will rise very fast. My bet is if UPA comes back to power, no one can stop him from becoming Minister of Ext. Affairs.

That said, SM Krishna, the new minister is alos highly educated and can be banked up for progress. He fathered the IT industry growth in Bangalore.

Hetero sapien said...
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