Wednesday, May 13

Food for a week

The plight of the under-developed nations in comparison with the developed nations is best illustrated by the couple of pics that follow.

Food for a week - Darfur refugees, Chad:

Food for a week, Germany:

I am sure the economic recession has no bearing on the people in Darfur, for they would not even know what a booming economy means.

SourcSlide 1: Peter Menzel, 2005.
Slide 1


Anonymous said...

I doubt such a large family is exactly what those Darfur refugees need.

But aren't refugees like that anywhere?

Anonymous said...

The sudden spike in your conscience is disturbing to say the least. You're projecting the German guy as the "bad guys" eventhough he very likely earns his living through honest hard work and probably has not contributed the slightest to the plight of the darfur refugees.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Anonymous 1: Well, I am not a socialist or a humanitarian but it just projects the great spectrum gap that exists today.

And true, they could do with a smaller family :D

@ Anon 2, I am surprised at your comment. Nowhere in the post have I even attempted to project the Germans as the reason for the refugees' plight. It was an attempt to illustrate the huge difference between the lifestyles of the rich and the poor.

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