Saturday, September 20

Pursuit of Happyness

The definition of happiness is skewed. There definitely is not an universal definition.

No matter how much you want the people around you to be happy, it ultimately never happens. And there never is equity. It is a cruel world and you are expected to deliver every time, every single time. Failure to do so is unpardonable.

End of the day, it is every man for himself - You are on your own: You want to be happy, you better find your own ways.

And ya, happiness doesn't come cheap. It is freaking expensive. But you are expected to provide it cheap, damn cheap. Failure to do so will result in chaos. And who wants a chaotic life.

Those 10 laws of Economics, by a gentleman named Mankiw won't apply to life. Nope. They won't, inspite of his proclamation that it is equally applicable for an individual, society, state and a country.

PS: The above is not universally true; it is .. whatever, fuck it.


Abhinav said...

very true

Czar said...

I thought there were 11 laws:

11th one being : 'Lite ra mama!'

Czar said...


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