Monday, June 30

Three of the most talked about technology companies

  • Google - For the immense brand-value that they've generated and the way they are taking over almost every aspect our life. Google is also respected for the way they do business and their don't-be-evil philosophy.
  • Apple - Steve Jobs, regarded as the best speaker of Corporate America. His amazing presentation skills coupled with the great products that Apple makes. i.
  • Microsoft - For being the satan in this good world. The amount of (bad) publicity Microsoft gets at any tech-forum owing to their so-called 'crappy' and 'expensive' products is simply unbelievable.
More updates on this soon!


Anonymous said...

Incidently, I am doing a project on Brand Valuation and these are the hard facts:

According to the 2007 list of the most respected ranking of top global brands, Microsoft is at 2nd place (brand value: 58,000 $m), IBM at 3rd, Google at 20th and Apple at 33rd!

Vikas Shenoy said...


Interesting fact, would like to know the source.

My post was more from the experiences than market research ofcourse. The tech-guys and the geeks despise Microsoft but the end-user is too well-versed with MS, hence the perception.

Abhishek Kannur said...

How soon will Lypas be up for this post?? ;P

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