Wednesday, May 21


Been thinking about the word 'Arrogance' for the past few days. It is a word I keep rather close to my heart. More so, a characteristic I have successfully embedded into my system after years of hard work.

The thought was provoked by one of my dear friends, who quoted something to the extent of "Don't be as arrogant, you are not so famous yet". And then I started thinking. It is a fact that I like to believe that I am arrogant, true-or-not helps keep mom happy; she has started to believe that I atleast know of my fallacies. Plus, you have a nice 'honest' answer to keep interviewers happy when posed with the rather boring 'What are your weaknesses'. As much as I believe it, I can't SAY that I am perfect. (Yes, that bordered on arrogance!) describes the word as "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride." Interesting I'd say. Arrogance is a result of a very strong self-belief and self-confidence. At times, over-strong. Then there'd be those wanna-be philosophers who would say it is a result of a very weak self-belief, hence the excessive need to show supremacy to hide your apparent weakness.

But some prerequisites for arrogance:

  • Unflinching belief that you are the best that ever graced the planet, rather the universe.
  • Ability to come up 501 reasons why the whole world is dumb.
  • Belief in the concept of 'lesser mortals' and a thorough understanding.
  • Innate repulsion to advices and a craving for an opportunity to preach.
  • Open unapologetic proclamation of what you don't understand being wrong.
  • Ability to be able to claim that the only good to ever happen from the Big Bang was YOU.
  • Constant thinking about the concept of arrogance and an untiring effort in upholding and publicising the same.
For once, may the almighty bless all the lesser mortals as well! I think they too, though with fewer reasons, deserve to live.

Also, think about this: Can an arrogant person destroy a person with low self-esteem by his sheer presence?


Anonymous said...

Parading never helps. Performance does.

Grow up kid.

Anonymous said...

That was me, MGM, btw.

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ MGM,

Thanks for the advice. I could almost guess it was you.

Abhishek Kannur said...

You partially negated the negative feeling about the word along with the stigma attached with being an 'arrogant fool'.
And regarding the anonymous quote from MGM, performance helps but parading, that is for self publicity!! :D

Anonymous said...

May the almighty bless all the lesser mortals as well! I think they too, though with fewer reasons, deserve to live.
Of course THEYdo... :D

C-lay said...

"Don't be as arrogant, you are not so famous yet". $#^*&*&^??????

Did mohammed Ali's arrogance lead to him becoming great or did his being great lead to his arrogance?
Ask your freind this question....
I am sure you know the answer...

Czar said...

Ey! Swalpaa beer kudi maga.

Vikas Shenoy said...

@ Kannur,
Thanks and ya, you are right about self-publicity.

@ Smarty Pants,
Errmm.. yes, they indeed do.

LOL. Expected that from you. Will retain this comment of yours for a long time to come.

@ Czar

Ippatu naaku ghante bari beer-beer antiya alla lo!!

Aroused said...


Aroused said...


Amrita Sabat said...

Arrogance in people awes 'lesser mortals'. Yours certainly does.

Anonymous said...


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