Thursday, October 11

Saarang 2008

The preparations have officially begun. The respective teams have started slogging it out.

Saarang 2008 is cooking and it promises to be more delicious than ever before.

For now, check out the Saarang Blog:


Anonymous said...

Where on earth is the info. about the events?

Anonymous said...

I sent you guys an email to event coordinators requesting details of the film contest. It seems nobody is bothered about it. You seem to be happy with your names appear on the official website of Saarang 2008. For programs' sake give at least your mobile numbers. Sorry for being harsh.

Vikas Shenoy said...

Hi anonymous and Mahantesh,

We are extremely sorry if the information has not been made available, kindly send us a mail at regarding your query and I shall personally take care of it.

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