Wednesday, August 15

We're Hiring

This is a 'Vatsap?' inspired post. :-)

Anyways, the assignment was to come up with an IP, inviting people for institute cricket team selections. It was due on Monday (3 days ago). Here I am waking up at 7 in the evening on Wednesday, a message on my cell reads " IP?". Holy Cow!! What a pain in the ass, I mumble to myself and get to the comp.

Meanwhile, I had been thinking of a nice theme for the IP (orders were to come up with something catchy and creative). Over the past one week, I could not come up with any. But here I am, racing against time. I follow the adage " When in doubt, Google". I hit the Google homepage and there in an explosion in my mind. What came out is this:
Cheers to Google. :-). The Google logo effect was recreated here.


Czar said...

Ah!! Now I see why it was such a bad IP. Firstly, the print outs were black and white, so my dear friend, the IPs had nothing like the google effect in them.

Secondly, the IP punchlines were too cliched for anyone to even have a look at them.


Contact VATSAP next time for a better one. :D

Aniket Pangarkar said...

mama, good effort da,
but the IPs did turn out to be
b&w. anyways, keep trying and one day, you shall make it!

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