Sunday, August 26

10 ways to simplify your life

10 ways to simplify your life (in random order):

1. Early to bed and early to rise.
2. Finish assignments and submit on time.
3. Keep in touch with your parents.
4. Be selfish.
5. Chuck the girl/guy out of your life totally.
6. Have a bath atleast four times a week.
7. Wash clothes regularly.
8. Keep your room clean.
9. Get the bicycle fixed and running.
10. Go to point 1.

Now, I realise why my life has become so freaking complex. I don't practice what I preach. It's high time I did that.


amrit said...

The moment you use unconditional jump statement in any algorithm, it becomes complex to debug it. GOTO is an unconditional jump statement.

Now you realize why your life will still be complex even if you follow what you preach?

Brother. Life was never supposed to be simple! :)

Aniket Pangarkar said...

Bhai mere,
i'd suggest preaching what you practice for a change.. :P

Shady said...

Yet, most of those 10 are not simple in practice. :)

Vikas Shenoy said...


Good one! :) I will have to do a bit of introspection (or edit the post and change point no. 10 ;) )

I take that as a compliment :-S but sli it is really difficult to live without clean clothes :)

Actually correct. :P

Hetero sapien said...

Ah! Finally a word of support. Usually this is what people say of me:

1)basu bathes daily..he's so gay
2)basu cleans his room..he's so gay
3)basu washes his clothes..he's so gay!

Finally!! a different prospective to the many misunderstood indiosyncracies of mine :p Thanks!

Hetero sapien said...

Damn I hate making these errors.

Czar said...

1. Early to bed and early to rise: Not happening

2. Finish assignments and submit on time: Cog!

3. Keep in touch with your parents: Done

4. Be selfish: Hmmm...

5. Chuck the girl/guy out of your life totally: Not happening

6. Have a bath atleast four times a week: Done

7. Wash clothes regularly: Done

8. Keep your room clean: Done

9. Get the bicycle fixed and running: Done

I do 5 out of the 9 things considering cogging justified. And I do not agree with two of your statements.

So, my life should be pretty simple.

Heck! It aint.

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